Sunday, 2 October 2011

Simple Past-Poem

In this section students are required to post their poems that have been changed and improvised based on the sample poem given to them. Students have been given a good set of words (verb) to change to Simple Past form to make up for the poems. This is an individual work and students are expected to post the poems here as part of their projects.


Joshua Teh said...

My Action Verb Poem

Awesome Exercise
Written By Joshua Teh

I Brush.I Drink.
I Stand.I Sit.
I like to Sing.
I cannot Scream.
I Ride and Cycle.
Touch the floor.
I Play in Swim.
Out the door.
I Wash outside.
I Hit.I Punch.
I Speak.I Shout.
I Kick.I Hit.
But I'm still carefull!
I don't Think.

Tan Jin Sheng said...

My Action Verb Poem

Let's Rock
Written by Tan Jin Sheng

I sing, I scream
I sit', I stand
I like,to laugh
I didn't cry
I kiss and hug
to my girl friend
I kick in the
Circles out the door
I walk at outside
I hit, I punch
I think,I play
I touch,I throw
But I'm still careful
I don't sleep

Emi said...

Received your poem Joshua. Thanks

Emi said...

Received your poem Tan. Thanks.

Zikry said...

My Action Verb Poem

Monkey Bone
Written By M.Sallehuddin Zikry(Zikry)

I brush. I sing.
I scream. I punch.
I like to wash.
I cannot think.
I sit and sleep
at the bed.
I stand in circle
out the door.
I wash out side.
I touch. I kick.
I hit. I bring.
I ride. I cycle.
But I'm not crazy.
I don't kiss.

Emi said...

Received poems from Zikry and Syahir. Thanks.

Cheah Wei Zhong said...
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Cheah Wei Zhong said...
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Cheah Wei Zhong said...

My Action Verb Poem

Welcome To My Note Book
Written by Cheah Wei Zhong

I sit. I stand.
I drink. I scream.
I like to laugh.
I cannot cry.
I hit and sleep
at the bed.
Ride the floor.
I touch in the
Circles out the door.
I walk outside.
I play. I Punch.
I speak. I kick.
I wash. I cycle
But I'm still careful!
I don't sing.

razman said...

Power Man
Razman Adni

I sit,I stand.
I hit,I punch.
I like to sing.
I cannot kiss.
I cycle and ride.
kick the floor.
I bring in circle.
out the door.
I walk out side.
I think,I scream.
I sleep,I drink.
I wash,I brush.
but i'm still careful!
I don't trip

izudin said...

I wash. I punch.
I sit. I stand.
I like to sleep.
I cannot sing.
I hit and kick.
across the floor.
I kiss in circles.
out the door.
I walk outside.
I scream. I think.
I brush. I slide.
I run. I fly.
but I'm still careful!!!!!!!
I don't worry....

razman said...

Power Man
Razman Adni

I sit.I stand.
I hit.I punch.
I like sing.
I cannot kiss.
Icycle.I ride.
Kick the floor.
I bring in circle.
Out the door
I walk outside.
I think.I scream.
I sleep.I drink.
I wash.I brush.
But i'm careful!
I don't trip

azuan said...
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myreload said...

I sing, I scream
I sit', I stand
I like,to laugh
I didn't cry
I kiss and hug
to my girl friend
I kick in the
Circles out the door
I Wash outside.
I Hit.I Punch.
I Speak.I Shout.
I Kick.I Hit.
But I'm still carefull!
I don't Think.

t@w said...

Dream a dream
Written By Mohd Nazif

I sleep. I blur
I fly. I swing
I like to play
I cannot touch
I roll and dance
acroos the hall
I laugh. I choke
I kick. I hit
I punch. I defend
I fight. I run
I fall. I get up
I wake up. I sneez
But I'm still dream
I don't care

Joshua Teh said...
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yugenrahshi said...

Yugenrahshi Verb Poem..

Fentastic Exercise
Written Yugenrahshi...

I try,I help
I tell,I think
I like to touch
I cannot read
I look and shout
Smell the floor
I cry in room
out the door
I jump outside
I sleep,I go
I play,I sing
I run,I weak
But I'm still carefull!
I don't recognize

zarin said...

i brush. i cycle.
i kiss. i ride.
i like to sleep.
i cannot touch.
i kick and punch.
across the florr.
i sing in circles
out the door.
i drink outside.
i stand. i skip.
i wash. i bring.
i scream. i think.
but i'm still careful!
i dont hit.

Mohd Syahir said...

The Mind Of The Crazy Man
Written by Mohd Syahir ( IE46 )
I hit, I punch
I touch, I think
I like to sing
I cannot scream
I cycle, I ride
Accross the floor
I stand in the circle
Out the door
I sit at outside
I brush, I kiss
I drink,I sleep
I wash, I bring
But i'm still careful
I don't kick

Zikry said...
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Zikry said...
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Mohd Syahir said...


Mohd Syahir said...


Zikry said...

Do you have a child madam???

nazri said...


Wan Tel0r said...


I brush. I sing.
I sit. I kiss.
I like to bring.
I cannot scream.
I kick and punch
acroos the floor.
I cycle in circle
out the door.
I ride outside.
I stand. I wash.
I hit. I think.
I touch. I drink.
But I'm still carefull!
I don't trip.

izudin said...

kuar x ney?

Mohd Syahir said...

The Mind Of The Crazy Man
Written by Mohd Syahir ( IE46 )
I hit. I punch.
I touch. I think.
I like to sing.
I cannot scream.
I cycle. I ride
Accross the floor.
I stand in circle.
Out of door.
I sit outsite
I brush. I kiss
I drink. I sleep
I wash. I bring.
But I'm still careful!
I don't kick.

myreload said...

i dont know what i say.

written by mr's.are_rif

I sing, I scream
I sit', I stand
I like,to laugh
I didn't cry
I kiss and hug
to my girl friend
I kick in the
Circles out the door
I Wash outside.
I Hit.I Punch.
I Speak.I Shout.
I Kick.I Hit.
But I'm still carefull!
I don't Think.

mohd rasidi said...

My action verb

written by Rasidi

I brush,I sing,i kiss,i scream,i like to sit,i cannot stand,i punch and kick think the floor,i ride in circles touch the door,i cycle outside i hit,i sleep,i wash,i walk,i see,i drink but i'm still careful.i don't swim

arshad said...

No Destiny
Written By Arshad

I rise. I wash
I touch. I brush
I like to watch
I cannot think
I move. I sleep
In bed room
I stand in circle
Out the door
I run outside
I scream. I sing
I kick. I throw
But i'm still careful!
I don't care

Emi said...

My Action Verb

Enjoy your life!!!!!!
Written by Mr.azuan

I brush,I kiss.
I sing.I scream.
I like to stand.I wash.
I pull and push the floor.
I throw in circles out the door.
I cry outside.I touch.
I snap.I kill.
I beat.I fly.
I swim.But I’m still carefull.
I dont sleep.

Emi said...

Abdul Ghaniy

My Action Verb Poem

i sing,i sream
i stand,i sit
i like to shake
i cannot stop
i walk outside
i think,i blur
i wake up,i sleep
i drink,i eat
i punch,i kick
i fight,i lose
but i'am not a loser..

amir said...

My Action Verb Poem


I Talk.I Walk.
I Take.I Throw.
I like to Scream.
I cannot Cry.
I Crawl.I Jump.
Punch the wall.
I Wash with Brush.
In the bathroom.
I Clean outside.
I Pull.I Push.
I Sleep.I Stand.
I Kiss.I Lick.
But i still carefull!
I cannot Eat.

amir said...

my poem doest appear..

edie said...

My Action Verb Poem

The Crazy Boy's
Written by Muhammad Yusnaidi

I Punch and then i Kick that boy.
I Sing . I Hop .
I Like to Drink .
I cannot Think .
I Touch . I Kiss .
At the floor .
I Wash in Sleep .
Out the door .
I Hit outside .
I Think . I Ride .
I Sleep . I Brush .
I Cry . I Scream .
But I'm still careful .
I don't Drink .